DCL : 01 — UI Improvements
Dfyn ChangeLog 01 is here
Starting now, we will be publishing improvement changelogs periodically. Our first Dfyn ChangeLog is about UI improvements we recently deployed on the UI interface. The idea is to keep our community updated about the changes which are happening on the product, especially about the features which affect the user experience.
DCL : 01 is all about UI improvements on the Dfyn website.
$DFYN Balance Visual
Dfyn modal at the top now only shows the balance you have in your meta mask, to check farm earnings user needs to click on the Dfyn icon and check the unclaimed $DFYN tokens across various farms categories.
Fixed common bases in the default token list
Now the default bases in Dfyn include frequently-used base tokens like $MATIC and $USDT. Common bases list will make it easier for our users to select base tokens for swapping.
Header and Footer
Pre-arranged header components to optimize for various screen sizes, moved gasless toggle to the swap component and moved charts button & night-theme controller to the footer.
Archived Farms
Dfyn has a lot of farms going on at any given time, and now we have added a separate page for archived pools — which are important especially for those who are harvesting vested farm rewards from previous farms.
About Dfyn
Dfyn is a multi-chain AMM DEX currently functional on the Polygon network. Dfyn nodes on various chains act as liquidity entry and exit points into the cross-chain liquidity super mesh that is being enabled by Router Protocol.
Website: https://www.dfyn.network/
Telegram: https://t.me/Dfyn_HQ
Discord : https://discord.gg/yjM2fUUHvN
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_DFyn
Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/dfynofficial